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Project F 1/10th - UIUC

  • Perception: Implemented precise lane following for the vehicle to stay within its designated lane with a cross track error of less than 5%.

  • Implemented a pure pursuit controller for precise lateral control, coupled with a PID system for effective longitudinal control.

  • Developed and integrated an obstacle avoidance system to detect and respond to unexpected obstacles in real-time.

Visual Rover - UIUC

  • Developed autonomous exploration robot with object detection, navigation and exploration algorithms for search and rescue operations.

  • Utilized CMU's TARE planner for exploration, integrated YOLOv8 for object detection, employed depth images-based goal estimation & navigation.

  • Successfully tested in various unfamiliar environments including garage, forest, and indoor, achieving 100% goal detection in all.

  • During goal (humans, cars, etc.) search and rescue tests, the robot successfully reached targets within a 2-meter radius in all three environments.

Design & Optimization of an Automatic Gearbox - IIT Kharagpur

  • Developed an automatic gearbox for 3-wheeler EV, optimizing parameters with genetic algorithms for maximum efficiency and minimum weight.

  • Implemented helical gears, designing the gearbox to resist bending and pitting failures in gear teeth and achieved an efficiency of 96%.

  • Introduced spoked gearbox design which further reduced weight from 15.79 kg to 10.21 kg (by 36%) from the initial solid design.

  • Achieved smooth vehicle performance at high efficiency across diverse road profiles and drive cycles.

  • Verified theoretical stress values from genetic algorithm design using ANSYS FEA simulations.


Design of Ball Screw Regenerative Suspension System for an Electric 3-Wheeler - IIT Kharagpur

  • Developed two 9 DOF math models of 3-wheeler using Mathematica for vehicle dynamics analysis, utilizing Lagrangian equations of motion.

  • Utilized robust DOE & Taguchi optimization methods to estimate suspension parameters under random road excitations

  • Optimized suspension parameters and achieved Sperling ride comfort and quality indices of 1.5 (rated very good) across diverse road profiles and drive cycles.

  • Harvested 60% of energy previously lost as heat using the regenerative suspension system on par with highly efficient regenerative systems available in the market.


Vehicle Dynamics and Suspension Design of Electric Pick-up Vehicle for an NGO - IIT Kharagpur

  • A parametric study of a 3-wheeler passive suspension system vehicle dynamics model created in Mathematica which evaluates ride indices

  • Obtained a 99% match of simulation results of the Mathematica model and a COMSOL model thus confirming the mathematical model accuracy

  • The final ride comfort & ride quality indices solved for various ride cycles and terrains were obtained as "GOOD" as per ISO ride evaluation scales

Note: You can contact me for detailed reports of these projects.
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